The Women’s London Cup is the trophy that is awarded to the winner of the match between Middlesex and Surrey. The first edition of the tournament was held in 2015. It is the brainchild of former England cricketer Ebony Rainford-Brent, who also served as Surrey’s women’s cricket director.
The one-off match is held between Surrey and Middlesex each year. Played in the T20 format, the winner of the tournament is awarded the Pemberton Greenish Cup. As of 2024, the tournament has been held five times at The Oval, twice at the Lord’s, twice at the Brunton Memotial Ground, and once at the Woodnridge Road.
The tournament began with the aim of promoting women’s cricket. Spectators could enjoy the match without any ticket fee. Schools and clubs are invited to enjoy the event and also engage in fun activities held at the tournament site. Ground tour, question-answer session and autograph signing with the active players, and coaching drills are some leisurely events that the players can take part in. Each edition of the tournament is held between the months of April and June.
The first five editions of the tournament were dominated by Middlesex, winning the title each year till 2019. Between 2020 to 2024, Sussex retaliated, winning three of the four annual matches. The 2023 edition was cancelled due to logistic and scheduling reasons. Notably, since 2018, the side batting second has won the title.
Surrey and Middlesex’s Youtube channel and their social media accounts on Facebook have been utilised for streaming of the live match. This has led to an exponential growth in the inclination towards women’s cricket, which was the primary objective behind this one-off match annual event.