What happens if the pickleball ball cracks during a rally?

Pickleball is a paddle sport wherein the ball that travels back and forth over the net is hit with a paddle within bounds. The ball is called a wiffle ball and is unique for having multiple perforations. The number of perforations depends on whether the matches are played indoors or outdoors.

The wiffle ball has aerodynamic features where the ball can tend to drift mid-air. At times, players might have to hit the ball with force to hit against the wind. In some other instances, a fast-paced volley near the kitchen or the non-volley zone can further create added stress on the ball.

Though the manufacturers design the wiffle ball such that it endures the length of a professional match, there can be instances when the ball cracks during the match. A cracked ball is replaced immediately. But questions arise regarding the point during which the ball cracks.

Pickleball’s rule books state that if the ball cracks in between a rally, the rally continues. If the end of the rally is due to the wayward movement of the ball because of the crack, then the point is replayed. However, if the crack is not the reason for the point to end, and that the bounce of the ball was predictable, then the point counts valid.

If the ball cracks during the rally, and one of the player collects the ball, and calls for a ball change, then the player who collects the ball loses the point. This is because only the umpire has the authority to stop a point because of a cracked ball. The only leeway a player can get in this is if the opponent is convinced to replay the point, or if the ball’s deviation due to the crack was evident.

Though rare due to its superior manufacturing, a cracked wiffle ball during a point remains a debatable subject.

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