Pickleball is a paddle sport played using a modified version of the wiffle ball. This is a perforated ball made of hard plastic which weighs approximately 22 grams to 26 grams. The holes in the pickleball ball contribute to the unique aerodynamics that the ball possesses.
The modified wiffle ball has a diameter between 7.30 to 7.55 cm and has a circumference of approximately 23 cm. When dropped from a height of nearly 198 cm, a regularisation pickleball ball must bounce to a height of 76 to 86 cm. These specifications are tested at a temperature of 16 to 26 degree Celsius.
The number of holes in a pickleball ball determines whether a ball is better suited for indoor or outdoor conditions. The number of holes for an outdoor pickleball ball is usually 40. Indoor conditions utilize a pickleball ball with no less than 26 holes. The size of the holes are larger in indoor balls compared to the outdoor balls. Thus, the 26-40 rule determines the number of holes that is allowed in a pickleball ball.
The 26-40 rule also interprets that no ball should have less than 26 or more than 40 wiffle balls. Different manufacturers have released wiffle balls with 32 holes as well. The emphasis on the number of holes in a wiffle ball is due to the fact that the air drag created by the ball makes the pace relatively slower. This makes the sport easier to learn and accessible for all ages.
The outdoor pickleball ball can be better controlled by professional players due to its fast pace. Indoor pickleball balls are ideal for leisure as they are easier to spin, control, and result in longer rallies. Thus, the 26-40 hole rule in pickleball translates to setting the tone for the game’s pace.