What is the ball call in pickleball?

Pickleball has consistently been in the limelight over the last few years for being one of the fastest growing sports on the planet. Vastly known for its unique gameplay that draws elements from badminton, tennis and tale tennis, the sport’s easy-to-learn character has gained massive following among all age groups. 
Ever since Pickleball’s rise in North America attracted Southeast Asia and parts of Europe, there has been a notable conversion of tennis courts into Pickleball courts. The dimensions of a Pickleball court are such, that one tennis court can house four Pickleball courts. This has proven to be economically beneficial as more players are positioned in the same area, generating more income for the hosts.

Pickleball tournaments are also carried out within such facilities. Venues that are made exclusively for Pickleball tournaments often see the courts being adjacent to one another. There have been instances when a ball of one court landed in the another court, thereby hindering the latter’s match. In such cases, the umpire gives a call by shouting “Ball” or “Ball On!” and the point in play is immediately stopped. This is called a ball call.

Irrespective of the situation of the match or the ongoing point, a ball call stops the match’s progression immediately. There are no alterations in the score and the point is replayed. It is important to remember that no call except “Ball” or “Ball On” can validate the hinderance of play because of a ball from another court. There have been rumours about saying “Pickle” in such instances but this is factually false and does not find its mention anywhere in the rules. 

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